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Purchase House

Question: I am considering purchasing a house which I like. However, I know I am of Fire sign while my fiancee is of Water sign. Prior consultation with a Feng Shui practitioner mentioned that we would be better of getting a place with the main door opening towards the East or South East.
This place has the main door opening to the North-North West. The main bedroom is on the South-East part of the house, and the window opens to the East, which has a view of the main driveway leading into the condominium. The main door opens into the living room and faces on the opposite end of the room, a ceiling to floor window which overlooks a swimming pool. The kitchen is in the North of the house.
1) Should I even consider this house at all?
2) Is the master bedroom location. kitchen and other main living areas location also important?

Let me congratulate you on buying a new house. One of the best thing you should do first is to use the " Eight House Theory ". You can either use the `manual' system in this BBS to generate both your personal templates e.g. Find your Chinese Horoscope Sign & Personal Ba Zi Element to get generate your free Eight House Theory template.

What is the use of the Eight House Template?

It is used to find which house is good for an individual or his family. What you can do here is follow the instructions on the above links and later superimpose your personal 8 directions (8 intangible forces) on your new house layout plan.

Here you should see a clearer picture of where are the good and bad locations. Do look out for what are the intangible forces affecting the " breadwinner " in relation to areas like the main entrance door or your bedroom. Locations where you spent time at.

Good Luck in your house hunting!

Cecil Lee
Center for Feng Shui Research
February 1999



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