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Question: When one is looking to purchase a house, what FS criteria are most important at first glance. Is it the landscape and the correct facing front door for the breadwinner?

Yes, look at the landscape and for a house that has the correct facing door for the breadwinner. Normally, you will also find that you have a certain good or bad feeling about the house.

It may not be possible to do Flying Star on each and every house one looks at.

Once you are more or less ready and have narrowed down to the few houses which suit you, you can then use the Flying Star theory check for the most suitable house.

Also, several people have asked me where and for what purpose should windchimes be used.Is there a set of rules that apply?

The rules to apply depends on the element you are curing for and only to cure stars in conflict.

Robert Lee
Center for Feng Shui Research
January 1999


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