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Question: My Eight House Chart states that my prosperity is in the NW sector. So sad, this is the place housing our third toilet and bathroom. It also has the laundry in this area and all rooms are well used. Any suggestions? Would small riverstones near the toilet bowl help?

In such a situation, nothing much can be done . Normally, the advice here is to cover the toilet bowl with the toilet seat cover and close the door. You can certainly try putting riverstones if you want (no `harm' done). Try also to keep the place `bright' e.g. try not to use dark colour floor/wall tiles.

Cecil Lee
Center for Feng Shui Research
January 1999


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A Big , Big Thank You of a Success Story Cecil Lee Cecil Lee support@geomancy.net - Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net Dear Cecil

" I contacted Robert and you initially in November last year, having gone through an 18month period of never ending bad luck. I also had an arm injury, which would not heal after a year. Absolutely nothing would go right for me, not even the simplest most trivial thing. I then found that finances were a problem. As recommended I completed a Flying Star report, and a Pillars of Destiny Report, and followed all the recommendation and cures. I also received allot of advice from your Free Advise service, and read all the previous messages for tips. I am delighted to report that the string of bad luck has now been broken, and I have gone back to normal, which is brilliant. I can’t thank you both enough. Finances are also satisfactory, so I can now work hard and strive to achieve greater things. I will always remember your kindness, it was most encouraging. I will try to use your example, and help other people when they are in need and maybe I can do something to help. Many thanks. "

Liz Cooper

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